Japan Trip days 1 and 2: Gaigairyoko (Pictures)
Day 1 and two are lumped together. While it was the same relative 24 hours, the time change makes it difficult to really pin down when anything happened. This group of pictures will almost be the smallest portion of the pictures taken. Let's do a quick rundown... The rundown will become more difficult as the days go on... On account of subsequent days having more images.
This represents the beginning of the trip. I like to refer to it as "My trip started so early, the airport wasn't even open yet." So, according to the TSA website they recommend that you be there 3 hours before your flight. Well, my flight was at... 0630? Or something ungodly early like that. So I arrived at somewhere between 0300 and 0330. Turns out, none of the airline check-ins open until about 0400 or so. Which meant that I didn't get to do a damn thing for an hour. This was what I got to stare at for that time. Behold Dayton Airport (DAY if you're into airport designations) before any reasonable person should be awake!
This is just a view from the plane. I planned on taking more, but it turns out, endless fields of clouds are boring... really really really boring. But if clouds are your thing, here you go! This is somewhere between DAY and ORD. Frankly that is where the next couple pictures are... so let's move on, shall we?
This is the view from the ground in ORD as the assembled masses sit on the runway. At least I'm pretty sure this is ORD, if I remember right, arrival on the ground at HND was after sunset. Behold the reason for our cloudy voyage... It was raining everywhere!
I didn't have first class for the trip to HND, instead I had whatever was the step below. As such, this is the food I was given. Some sort of salad, some chicken, more rabbit food, Coke, and a small rock. I think that rock was supposed to be a roll. And that sweet little dessert thing. I don't know what it was exactly, but it was tasty. The chicken was also not bad. But considering I'm not a huge fan of vinegar on my rabbit food, or more accurately I dislike the taste of vinegar in general, the assorted rabbit food was consumed plain (well, the rabbit food with the chicken had some sort of cheese sauce to kinda help). I feel that if I was a fan of rabbit food, this all would have been rather appetizing. The chicken was adequately edible. And the rock hurt. Moving on!
This is the trip from ORD to HND. Clouds... clouds above, clouds below, clouds all around. We were literally flying in the clouds. This was all I could see out the window. Behold! It is the planes right engine! Interesting side note I am just finding out… I’m going to have to compress these pictures more so that they will adhere to Squarespace’s size requirements. 20MB… what a farce.
Welcome to my base closet. This is where I would live for the majority of my trip. It was insanely small, and I am pretty sure the pillows were made of bean bags. I should have taken a photo of the bath tub... it was so tiny. However, consider if you will, that the tub is lined up behind this bed... meaning it was shorter than the width of this bed. With a rim around it that allowed for a bottle of shampoo...
Let it be stated that I eat healthy! As can be seen from the meal I had once I arrived at the hotel. Yes! It is a parfait, but it had strawberries, so that makes it healthy! Looking at it again, makes me wish I was back there… damn these parfaits were good.
I figured after the parfait, I should probably grab something else, so I stopped at 7/11 to pick up some drinks, and an onigiri. I ended up having the Onigiri for breakfast the next day. I still have a bottle of the Coca-Cola Plus sitting next to me on my desk… I dunno, it kinda feels like drinking it would be admitting it is all over.
And to finish up day 1 and 2... This is the view of Tokyo from my closet! More specifically, this is Shinjuku. One of the livelier (or so I am told) sections of Tokyo. This is about the closest to seeing my face that I come in the entire trip.