Who Am I? (No Pictures)
If you are just stumbling on to this site randomly, greetings and salutations. I’m Mike, or Frank, or TheHalfEmptyPint, or GiantGuy, or… you know what, I answer to just about anything. Except Michael I really hate that name… so don’t use it, okay?
I have been called a geek, a nerd, and many things that I will try not to say, because I want to keep this blog relatively clean (although I will say shit occasionally). And I am those things and more. I am a geek with a love of photography, a nerd with unquenchable wanderlust. I’m an otaku that loves to watch anime. I am an all around peculiar individual.
I’m an introvert by nature. Sometimes that introversion is worse than other times. Sometimes I’m a high functioning introvert, other times I will stay holed away in my room unable to interact with the world around me.
How does a guy with an aversion to other people develop an unquenchable wanderlust? Hell if I know. I just know that I want to travel. I want to see the world outside my world. I want to challenge my boundaries and break through. I do not want to let the nagging fear of the people of the world define who I am.
I ramble, my thoughts don’t always go from A to B… sometimes they go from A to SQUIRREL to what was I doing again?
As I said before, sometimes I am known as GiantGuy (That’s what I go by when I show up on Twitch) and that might be the most appropriate name for me. I’m around 6’8 (or about 2.03 meters if you live outside the US)
If you’re lucky, you’ll never have to see me. I don’t like to show my face often. Hell, I even avoid mirrors, I have a lifelong animosity to the person I see there.
Now, for the reason for “The Half Empty Pint”.
When I started all of this back on Blogger, I was intending to write about beer. I like to enjoy a good beer now and again. But why is the pint half empty? Some may look at it as a pessimistic mindset, the pint is half empty, rather than half full. Or, one can turn that around, and see it in a positive light, I mean the pint is only HALF empty. Honestly… the reason is both of those. I’m an optimistic pessimist. There are things in my life that I always see the darkness lurking beneath the surface. There are other things where I see that cloud’s silver lining. Honestly, I had an entire post just about that on the original blogger site, but I have since made it disappear.
On the most part, I am an open book. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Feel free to contact me on Facebook. Or follow me on Instagram. Fair warning though, if you follow me on Instagram, you will see a lot of Scarlet Witch. I do not want to go into my obsession with Scarlet Witch at this time. There are parts to that story that I will likely never tell. Especially since I have coworkers that know this blog exists.
I will NEVER mention where I work. My thoughts and comments do not in anyway represent my employer and their beliefs. Also, frankly they can use what I say here as a grounds for firing. But if I don’t mention them, they’ve got nothing on me.
For now, I’ve rambled on long enough. Have a pleasant day.