Rhinegeist: Glow

So, a second chance for Rhinegeist not to attempt to kill me this week! This time, I am trying one I found at a local supermarket, because I figured that might be safer than the sketchy liquor store. So, today I present to you… Glow!

As you can see it is another fruited sour, which I specifically chose as a sort of redemption for Rhinegeist after the previous Rhinegeist fiasco. After I threw away the glass from the previous experiment I decided to get out a different glass. And I am happy to announce there are no floaters in this one!

This kinda pink-ish red brew comes in at a rather mild 4.5% ABV, I figured I’d buy myself a six pack, since it was cheaper than the previous brew, and I think it might be cheaper than going down to the taproom and having to pay for parking, so… I now have a six pack of glow.

Well… five pack at this point.

I can’t quite place what the fruits are supposed to be by smell. And not really catching anything with a taste. However, it is a perfectly acceptable flavor. I would not say this is the greatest sour I’ve had, nor is it the worst. It doesn’t have the sour punch I was looking for, but I could easily crush the rest of this six pack without much difficulty. I find myself wondering how it would taste fresh from the tap, but that will have to wait, since my work week is about to start, and I will not be operating during human hours for 7 days. So, yeah. This is an acceptable brew, perhaps if your local store where you buy beer has a build a six pack, and this is there, toss one in. I don’t know if I would call it “worth” the price of admission for a whole 6 pack.


A Return to Third Eye

